Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Perfect Blueberry Muffins

I have made many muffins over the years; yet I am constantly searching for one that's not too dry or crumbly. So when I came across this recipe on Smitten Kitchen and Deb talked about how many muffins she had tried searching for the perfect one, I decided to give these a shot. And I'm glad I did! These muffins delivered - of course, the fact that each of them contains about a half tablespoon of butter probably doesn't hurt :) You can use fresh or frozen bluberries in these, and I used orange zest in place of lemon just because that's what I had in the house. Otherwise, I didn't change a thing and they were delicious. Make these soon!

Perfect Blueberry Muffins


Online Travel Tourism said...

Yammi Food ! I like it and think perfect blueberry muffins is really perfect.

seo agency india said...

I think perfect blueberry muffins.this is a really perfect.....